FIEV – French Federation of Vehicle Equipment Industries

Acting for the future of the automotive industry by defending sustainable mobility, a vector of freedom and environmentally friendly.

FIEV is the French trade association of OEMs, garage equipment manufacturers and all other providers of automotive solutions. It represents and promotes the interests of an industry whose members contribute 85% of the cost price of a vehicle, generate almost €19 billion in turnover including 54% in export, and provide 70,900 direct and around 270,000 indirect jobs.

130 groups of companies and their 300 FIEV member firms receive wide-ranging support (advice, market intelligence, training and studies), which is essential to their performance in a constantly changing market.

As the majority shareholder of EQUIP AUTO, FIEV actively contributes to making the exhibition the international gathering for automotive aftersales and services for mobility in France.

History & Vision

Our history

Created in 1910, the FIEV is a trade union, law 1884.

The FIEV, Federation of Vehicle Equipment Industries, has become the voice of a globalized profession and the professional union committed to defending the interests of :

  • all companies that manufacture, design, and invent solutions for all types of road vehicles;
  • manufacturers of garage equipment, technical control and maintenance equipment, used in service stations and repair shops;
  • mobility startups.

In order to promote the image of the industries it represents to the media and the public, the FIEV co-organizes an international trade show in France: EQUIP AUTO, in which it is the majority shareholder.

FIEV is also a founding member of CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers.

Finally, since its creation in April 2009, the FIEV has actively contributed to the work of the PFA, the Automotive & Mobility Industry Platform, which brings together manufacturers, equipment suppliers and suppliers with the common objective of improving the overall competitiveness of the French industry.

Succeeding together!

Faced with all the changes taking place in our market (energy transition imposed by the climate emergency, changes in usage, new regulatory constraints), the entire automotive industry and its ecosystem must strive to invent new models for success. More than ever, we must capitalize on the strength of collective dialogue.

We are campaigning in France and in Europe for the success of all the players in the automotive revolution. Whatever their size or activity, we offer our members the support they need to perform well in a changing market: insight into trends, education on legislative and regulatory changes, advice and market analysis, support on certification, work and technology watch, etc.

Thus, we make every effort, on a daily basis, to support opportunities for innovation and development and to embody our raison d’être:

Acting for the future of the automotive industry by defending sustainable mobility; a vector of freedom and respectful of the environment.


Missions & Actions


We shed light on the challenges of our sector to better anticipate the future.

  • Analysis of the sector’s trends and the market environment;
  • Deciphering legislative and regulatory changes;
  • Supporting companies in their transformation;
  • Commitment to social affairs, to advance the entire sector.


We are developing initiatives to encourage meetings and knowledge sharing, in order to identify solutions and define the positions of equipment manufacturers.

  • Events with high added value for our members:
    • Auto Club
    • Market Observatory
    • FIEV’s morning sessions
  • Animation of Commissions, real crossroads of information, experiences and work instances;
  • Animation of working groups and influential associations to contribute to the definition of the best proposals for the future of the industry;
  • Organization of the EQUIP AUTO show.


Thanks to these exchanges, we define positions, in the service of our members’ interests, which we take to the right level: to national and international decision-making bodies, to manufacturers or to independent aftermarket players.

  • Close and permanent relations with all the competent public decision-makers in our fields;
  • Partnerships and cooperation with the industry’s professional federations, equipment manufacturers’ and constructors’ associations in France, Europe and internationally.

« Retroprospective 2020/2021 »: FIEV, renewal and achievements

The FIEV, fully committed to its members in a context of unprecedented crisis, has mobilized on many issues.

Anticipating, sharing, defending: find out about FIEV’s highlights and achievements in 2020.
And discover the union’s 2021 strategic objectives.


Find all the actions and achievements of the FIEV of the year 2020 in this « Retroprospective » 

Positions and analysis of FIEV

From pandemic to electronic component shortage, unending force majeure?

In order to better assist equipment manufacturers in managing this shortage, which is impacting the automotive industry worldwide, Gowling WLG and the FIEV have conducted a legal analysis of the situation.

The purpose of this note is to propose some lines of thought, based on French law, on force majeure, and on the question of its application to the shortage affecting the industry.

After a quick overview of the current situation, the conditions under which the parties, and in particular the automotive suppliers, can invoke force majeure are explained. Finally, a few recommendations are made in relation to the Code of Performance and Good Practices relating to the customer-supplier relationship within the automotive manufacturing sector (CPBP), dated November 6, 2020.


FIEV legal analysis on the shortage of electronic components

February 2021

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